PM chairs national teleconference on COVID-19 prevention and control

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on September 5 afternoon chaired a national teleconference between the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, and localities on the fight against the pandemic.
PM chairs national teleconference on COVID-19 prevention and control ảnh 1PM Pham Minh Chinh chairs a national teleconference between the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, and localities on the fight against the pandemic. (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh onSeptember 5 afternoon chaired a national teleconference between the NationalSteering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, and localities on thefight against the pandemic.

The meeting was connected to more than 9,000 locations incommunes, wards and towns, 705 districts and townships, and 63 provinces andcities across the country.

PM Chinh, who is also head of the national steering committee,acknowledged and praised the efforts, unity and consensus of party committees,administrations, Fatherland Front Committees at all levels as well asofficials and people in localities in implementing social distancing.

He also commended frontline forces such as health workers, militaryofficers and soldiers, policemen and volunteers for their endeavors to overcome difficulties and hardships to step up the pandemic combat.

The government leader stressed that considering communes andwards as fortresses and each person as a soldier and placing people at thecentre of the fight against the pandemic is a sound policy.

PM chairs national teleconference on COVID-19 prevention and control ảnh 2PM Pham Minh Chinh chairs a national teleconference between the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, and localities on the fight against the pandemic. (Photo: VNA)
However, the efficiency of COVID-19 prevention and control isnot high as expected because the implementation remained limited and showedshortcomings in many localities, he said.

The pandemic is still complicated and unpredictable, he said,adding that the continued implementation of social distancing will causedifficulties for people, stagnate production activities and disrupt supplychains.

Therefore, PM Chinh asked administrations at all levels, sectorsand localities to double efforts to soon control the pandemic, thus bringingthe life to new normal.

He requested localities to strengthen the apparatus of theirsteering committees for COVID-19 prevention and control with secretaries ofparty committees working as heads, and set up command centres led by chairpersonsof people’s committees.

Localities applying social distancing must define their targets,roadmaps and measures to improve the efficiency of the pandemic fight and avoidextending social distancing without achieving the set goals, affecting socio-economicdevelopment and people’s lives, he said.

The PM demanded localities to strictly carry out five major tasks,namely strictly taking social distancing regulations; ensuring social securityand not letting people lack food and necessities; guaranteeing people get earlyaccess to medical services right in communes and wards; maintaining socialorder and safety; and step up communication campaigns to help people better understandand join hands with the entire political system in the fight against thepandemic.

Localities were required to coordinate with sectors, especiallythe health sector, to conduct large-scale testing for all people in aneffective and safe manner, while expanding and enhancing treatment capacity.

He said the government considered the vaccine strategy anextremely important factor as leaders of the Party and State, the PM, sectorsand agencies have spared no efforts to perform vaccine diplomacy in a bid tosecure vaccines as many as and as quickly as possible for people.

Regarding production and circulation of goods, the PM asked forthe gradual recovery and stepping up ofproduction in localities that complete social distancing period, while ensuringsafety and strictly implementing pandemic prevention and control regulations inindustrial parks, and production and business establishments./.

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