PM orders measures to minimise nCoV’s impact on economy

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has urged ministries and localities to promptly implement measures to minimise the impact of the novel coronaviru (nCoV) on the economy.
PM orders measures to minimise nCoV’s impact on economy ảnh 1Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (standing) speaks at the event. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) –
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has urged ministries and localities to promptly implement measures to minimise the impact of the novel coronaviru (nCoV) on the economy.

He made the request at a working session in Hanoi on February 4 with the national steering committee on preventing and combating the acute respiratory disease caused by nCoV, and ministries and sectors.

The PM said while industry-trade and agriculture sectors have resumed operation after the seven-day Lunar New Year (Tet), some activities such as stock transaction, tourism and export have been reduced due to the threat posed by the virus.

Given the complicated development of the disease, he suggested taking stricter precautions to prevent outbreaks.

He told ministries and localities not to be pessimistic to avoid causing panic among the public.

The government leader required that all sectors and localities continue dealing with the disease, accepting the sacrifice of some economic interests to protect the health of people.

At the same time, the Government leader requested prompt measures for restructuring production and ensuring growth.

He tasked the Ministry of Health to build scenarios to cope with the disease without causing excess anxiety among the public, while the Ministry of Science and Technology focus on studying the production of drugs and vaccines against the virus.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism must be stricter in managing festivals, he said.

The Finance Ministry was told to prepare sufficient funding for epidemic prevention and control.

PM Phuc also recommended limiting the organization of meetings and conferences with large numbers of participants to reduce risks of virus spreading.

According to the Ministry of Health, coronavirus first occurred in China’s Wuhan city in December 2019, and has spread to many cities in China as well as 26 other countries and territories.

As of 15:30 on February 4, the world recorded 20,631 infection cases and 427 deaths, including 425 fatalities in mainland China, one in the Philippines, and one in Hong Kong (China).

Vietnam has so far confirmed 10 infection cases.

Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Truong Son has said that the Vietnamese health sector is capable of diagnosing, treating and curing patients infected with the acute respiratory disease caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (nCoV).

Expressing the confidence at a meeting in Hanoi on February 3, Son further said there are about 17,000 confirmed nCoV cases, including 362 deaths, around the world at present. The fatality rate of this disease is some 2 percent, compared to the 9.6 percent of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in the past.

He predicted that the number of nCoV cases is likely to soar in the time ahead.

The deputy minister said with the health sector’s capacity, support from other sectors and drastic directions by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Deputy PM Vu Duc Dam, the Ministry of Health will fulfill its tasks to ensure people’s health.

Regarding Chinese nationals returning to work in Vietnam after the Lunar New Year holiday and the possible surge of Vietnamese coming home from China, where the nCoV is raging, Deputy Minister of Defence Sen. Lt. Gen. Tran Don said the border guard force has suspended the entry into Vietnam by people from China at all border crossings.

At border gates, relevant agencies will isolate all people coming from nCoV-hit areas, especially China’s Hubei province – the epicenter of the epidemic. Meanwhile, suspected cases or persons from other affected regions will also be quarantined at medical establishments or local communities, he added.

At the meeting, Deputy PM Dam, head of the national steering committee for the nCoV-caused disease prevention and control, stressed that relevant agencies and localities must not be subjective but stay proactive in disease prevention and control./.


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