As the outbreak may linger on, the PM ordered authorities toactively and proactively address it on all fronts, from health care todiplomacy, national defence-security, and socio-economy.
The government advocates giving up several economicinterests to protect health and lives of the people, he said, adding that theentire political system must involve in the effort.
He asked for raising public awareness on preventing the spreadof the outbreak while boosting trade with China and other countries.
The Steering National Committee and local authorities wereurged to call on the people to wear masks in public places, enhancedisinfection in crowd areas, as well as continue delaying unnecessary meetings.
The PM highlighted the need to restructure production, consumptionand credit for socio-economic development in the new context.
He asked the nationwide administrative system, from thecentral to local levels, to fulfill assigned tasks this year, emphasising theimportance of law building and administrative reform this year, stabilisingmacro-economy, and facilitating production and trade to propel growth.
The Ministry of Planning and Investment was required toissue new quarterly and yearly growth scenarios for sectors, and flexibly adoptmacro financial, monetary and trade policies to promptly respond to negativedevelopments amid the outbreak.
The leader ordered strictly punishing stockpiling goods forprice hikes while stepping up the fight against smuggling and trade frauds.
Ministers and Chairs of municipal and provincial People’s Committeeswere held responsible for accelerating public investment, conducting open andtransparent biddings online, and soon submitting the draft Law onPublic-Private Partnerships investment to the National Assembly for approval./.