PM: Restructuring improves State businesses efficiency

Restructuring will help State-owned businesses better perform their role in the socialist-oriented market economy and operate effectively with assigned financial resources, said Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.
Restructuring will help State-owned businesses better perform their role in the socialist-oriented market economy and operate effectively with assigned financial resources, said Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.

PM Dung made the statement at a conference to review the arrangement and renovation of State-owned enterprises (SOEs)during the 2001-2010 period, in Hanoi on Dec. 8.

He said relevant agencies have, over the decade, built an institutional system, including the State management of SOEs, owners’ management institution and the institution to ensure for SOEs’ operations.

Through rearrangement, businesses have been expanded in scale and the efficiency of their operation and their workers’ income have also been raised, said the PM.

The equitisation has created a multi-ownership mechanism and a new dynamic and management mechanism for businesses, which, he said, have helped businesses operate more effectively and be managed in a transparent and public manner.

According to the PM, SOEs in general have met requirements assigned by the State, including ensuring energy security, stabilising the nation’s financial markets and promoting socio-economic development in the fields where the private sector has not yet operated, such as aviation, telecommunications, construction of major projects, security and defence.

The PM also pointed out their shortcomings and weaknesses that need to be solved in future, due to untimely and unsuitable management mechanisms, slow equitisation, low business efficiency in many SOEs, along with prolonged financial losses.

PM Dung laid stress on the consistent targets of continuing to restructure SOEs for more effective operation and ensuring competent performance of the role and tasks assigned by the Party and State, including ensuring macro-economic stability.

Ministries and branches should focus on finalizing the institutions for management, and ownership and managements of SOEs, as well as Party work in these businesses, he said.

The PM also asked ministries, branches and localities to approve their SOEs’ restructuring schemes in 2011.

Over the past 10 years, the country has rearranged more than 4,750 SOEs, including equitising almost 3,390 businesses.

As of October, 2011, the country had 1,309 SOEs, including 452 involved in security and defence and the remaining in business activities.

Meanwhile, State-owned corporations and groups with multi-ownership structure operate mainly in key sectors of the economy./.

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