The event served as a chance for delegates to share Vietnameseand international experiences, and give recommendations and proposals for theprevention of child labour.
According to a survey by the MoLISA’s Institute of Labour,Science, and Social Affairs across three cities and provinces, more than 7percent of households have members aged from 5 to 17 engaging in economicactivities. Nearly 2 percent of households have a member in this age groupinvolving in heavy, toxic, and dangerous jobs.
Dang Hoa Nam, Director of the Department of Children, saidthat child labour has been particularly rampant in the unofficial sector, with employersoften taking advantage of children for their low wages. The employment of childlabour in supply chains is also a risk, he said.
According to Nam, the objectives of the project in reducingand putting an end to child labour during the 2016-2020 period include raisingpublic awareness of associated laws at all levels, sectors, and organisationsrelated to labour and community.
Currently, the awareness of child labour laws in Vietnam isnot adequate as legal regulations in the field have yet to be strictlyimplemented, he said.
Meanwhile, ILO Vietnam Director Chang-Hee Lee said thatVietnam has approved the convention on child labour and taken steps towardsimproving the situation. However, he noted that a large number of children areworking in household businesses and the unofficial sector.
At the same time, the definition of children working insupply chains is rather new in Vietnam, added Lee.
He said that the ILO has mobilised relevant agencies toconduct a model of cooperation on the prevention and ending of forced labour,human trafficking, and modern forms of slavery.
Participants at the dialogue said that in the context ofinternational integration and Vietnam’s engagement in free trade agreements,the realisation of international commitments on labour in supply chains willreceive greater attention, especially issues related to child labour.
The prevention and ending of child labour should start fromraising the awareness of children, their parents, the community, andbusinesses, they said.
The delegates also stressed the need for the regular,continuous, and stable engagement of and close coordination among socialsectors, state agencies, businesses, trade unions, families, and the community.–VNA