Hanoi (VNA) – Encouraging investment ininfrastructure in the form of public-private-partnership (PPP) is necessary totap into domestic and foreign capital sources and technology, said DeputyMinister of Planning and Investment Vu Dai Thang.
Thang cited an estimate by the Asian DevelopmentBank (ADB) that Vietnam needs about 16-17 billion USD for infrastructureinvestment between 2015 and 2025. The figure was forecast to be 17.2 billionUSD by the Hong Kong – Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC).
However, the State budget for public investment islimited, hence the need to mobilise investment from other economic sectors,Thang said.
He noted that the Ministry of Planning andInvestment had made several efforts to promote PPP investment in the forms ofsome Decrees, such as the government’s Decree No.15/2015/ND-CP dated February14, 2015 on PPP investment and Decree No.30/2015/ND-CP dated March 17, 2015 stipulatingthe execution of some articles in the Law on Bidding about the selection ofinvestors.
However, the enforcement of those documentsrevealed many limitations, which failed to create an attractive environment andflexible investment methods for investors, especially those from overseas.
The National Assembly has entrusted thegovernment to study and draft a PPP law to remove difficulties and legalrestrictions in promoting this investment form.
The Ministry of Planning and Investment hasembarked on the process to build the PPP law, which is expected to take threeyears.
The ministry has collected opinions from relevant ministries, sectors,localities and businesses on the need for such a law, and submitted a proposalon building the law to the Government. The proposal will be considered at thecabinet meeting in May and submitted to the National Assembly in July 2018.-VNA