President calls for comprehensive development in procuracy sector

President Tran Dai Quang urged the procuracy sector to focus on achieving a stronger Party organisation and comprehensive development while attending the sector’s conference held on December 29 to launch missions in 2018.
President calls for comprehensive development in procuracy sector ảnh 1President Tran Dai Quang at the procuracy sector's conference on December 29. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – President Tran Dai Quang urged the procuracy sectorto focus on achieving a stronger Party organisation and comprehensivedevelopment while attending the sector’s conference held on December 29 tolaunch missions in 2018.

President Quang asked the procuracy sector to effectively carry out the resolutionof the fourth Party Central Committee (12th tenure) on strengtheningParty building and rectification and the Politburo’s Directive No.05-CT/TW onstudying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style.

As a line-up of new regulations on legislative reforms will take effect in2018, he asked the sector to study and recommend the Party, Government andrelevant authorities for measures against violations, particularly economiccrimes and corruption. Respecting legal regulations makes significantcontributions to building a democratic and civilised society, he noted.

Thesector needs to join hands with relevant organisations to put forth inspection,prosecution and trial of critical corruption cases and reclaim arrogated assetsof the state, Quang said.

It is requested to complete cooperation mechanisms with the Party CentralCommittee’s Commission for Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security,Supreme People’s Court, the Ministry of Justice, the Government Inspectorate,branches and localities in the fight against crimes as well as the building ofinstitutional mechanisms.

The sector should pay heed to international cooperation in the prevention of crimes,he stressed.

In 2017, the People’s Procuracy at all levels detected and prosecuted 69,481criminal cases. The sector strictly adjudicated serious economic violation andcorruption cases.

In addition, myriads of solutions have been carried out to improve examinationand handling of criminal cases. Enhancing inspection quality in other judicialactivities and strengthening the Party organization within the sector have beenprioritised as well.-VNA

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