During a reception for Lao National AssemblyChairwoman Pany Yathotou in Hanoi on March 6, the President asked the twocountries to further collaboration and share experience in buildinginstitutional and legal systems as well as inspecting law enforcement.
He expressed his belief that the ongoing visitto Vietnam by the top Lao legislator will help tighten traditional friendship,special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries’Parties, States, National Assemblies, Governments, and peoples.
The President also showed his pleasure at thebilateral growing relations in various fields from economics and trade todefense, security, culture and education.
He proposed both nations jointly host activitiesto celebrate the 40th anniversary of the signing of Vietnam – Laos Treaty ofAmity and Cooperation (1977), and the 55th anniversary of the diplomatic ties(1962) to help young generations understand better about the bilateralrapports.
For her part, Pany Yathotou pledged to do herutmost to push the implementation of joint projects between the two governmentsin the most efficient manner for the benefits of people.
She congratulated Vietnam on hosting the APECYear 2017 and believed the event will be a success.-VNA