President calls for promoting entire nation’s strength

Promoting the strength of the entire nation to safeguard national interests and take the country forward is the message that President Truong Tan Sang sent to the nation on the occasion of the New Year 2015.
Seizing opportunities and promoting the strength of the entire nation to safeguard national interests and take the country forward is the message that President Truong Tan Sang sent to the nation in an article on the occasion of the New Year 2015.

The President noted that 2014 was an eventful year with tremendous difficulties and challenges for the country, but we have overcome them all. On the threshold of the new year, the Vietnamese nation has new vitality and resolve to make more efforts for new success in a year with many major events such as the 85 th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, 70th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day, 40th anniversary of the liberation of the southern region and national reunification, 125th birthday anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh, 30th anniversary of the renewal process, and the approach of the 12th National Party Congress, with new visions, new tasks, new strength, new ways of action as well as a belief in new success, he wrote.

Emphasising that sustainable development is a strategic choice, the President wrote, “We are living in the era of globalisation with all its complicated and unpredictable opportunities and risks, chances and challenges are mixed and changeable: either lagging behind or making breakthroughs to catch up with the world and master our fate; stopping also means falling behind. Being left behind, especially in terms of economy, was the risk that our Party had warned 20 years ago in January 1994 and our nation has exerted ceaseless efforts to overcome over the past two decades.”

The President went on to affirm that the only correct path is to strive for sustainable development as mankind’s marching pace never waits for anyone and the global competition always contains vital risks to which no nation is an exception, resulting in constant changes in the balance of power among countries and regions across the world.

He asserted that developing sustainably and narrowing the economic development gaps with developed countries in the region and beyond towards the goal of wealthy people and strong country are the undeniable responsibility, the sacred mission and the honour of each Vietnamese citizen.

“Therefore, in 2015 and the following years, with firm will, brainpower and potential of the country and people, we need to focus on removing hindrances, overcoming limitations and weaknesses in order to swiftly take our economy out of the decline over the past few years, recover the growth rate while accelerating the cause of renewal, industrialisation, modernisation, and global integration in a creative and effective manner; fulfil the task of renovating the growth model so as to bring high quality and new level for economic development on a par with developed countries in the region,” the President wrote.

He stressed that sustainable development is the strategic choice of our country in the current situation, the measurement of Vietnamese capacity and brainpower in the light of global competition, which will shape the future image and decide the role and position of Vietnam in the world in the next decades.

At the same time, the President wrote that protecting the interests of the country and the nation is the supreme goal, underlining that throughout thousands of years, our ancestors always take national interests as the utmost target in any circumstances, thus creating a strong country at present for the descendants.

Amidst the fierce global competition at present, the truth “Nothing is as valuable as independence and freedom” has become truer than ever, he said, stressing that our country integrates into the world to learn and acquire the quintessence of mankind and the era to enrich the Vietnamese unique culture, and also to make use of external forces, stimulate our internal strength and turn external forces into internal power to build a strong and prosperous country standing alongside powers in all continents, so that our people have a free, happy life free from want.

“The interests of our country, our nation are very specific: they are independence, sovereignty, unification, and sacred territorial integrity; the socialist regime, the strength and prosperity of the country, and the freedom and happiness of the people,” the President wrote. He affirmed that those interests are the goals that we are ready to overcome any difficulties to achieve; and also the foundation to define what we should do and avoid; as well as the criteria for us to recognise who are our friends, enemies, or partners in specific fields and situations. According to the President, in our Party’s viewpoint, those who respect Vietnam’s independence and sovereignty, establish and expand friendship and equal and mutually-beneficial cooperation with Vietnam are partners of our country, while any forces which have plots and actions against our goals in the cause of national construction and defence are subjects of struggle.

The President noted that winning the heart of people is the basic lesson, underling that the thousand-year history of national building and defence of our country as well as the history of all countries all over the world has proved the fact that it is the people that make history and the power of people is invincible.

He noted that the thorough understanding and good implementation of President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology that the people are the root and the power of people is unbeatable, has created the strength that brought about all victories of the Vietnamese revolution over the past nearly 85 years.

President Truong Tan Sang reiterated that the enormous achievements that Vietnam has reaped in the past 30 years of renewal process are attributable to contributions of the whole people under the leadership of the Party.

“It is inevitable that a big ship would encounter huge waves and strong winds when sailing offshore. Nowadays, the renewal cause continues towards the goal of “a rich people and a strong, democratic, equitable, and civilised nation” and firmly safeguards the land, the sky, the sea, border and islands that our ancestors have passed down, as well as protects revolutionary achievements and the people’s peaceful life,” he wrote, noting that there is still someone who want to hamper and weaken the country in order to control our country, while some others attempt to occupy our land, sea, and islands. Only the consensus of the entire people and the national great solidarity bloc can create the invincible power that helps us weather all huge waves and strong winds, the President stressed.

The President, at the same time, asserted that sincerity and preserving and treasuring peace and friendship are Vietnam’s moral standard.

He affirmed that the Vietnamese people love peace and always wish to live in peace to build and develop the country, and always desire friendship and cooperation with neighbouring countries and all countries around the globe. They are only forced to take up weapons to fight against invaders and protect national freedom, independence, and sovereignty.

“Nowadays, inheriting and upholding the nation’s fine and humanistic tradition that matches the current context, Vietnam is integrating into the international community with an aspiration of having friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of equality; respect for one another’s independence, sovereignty, unification, territorial integrity, and political regime; balance of interests and mutual benefits for peace, stability, and development of Vietnam, the region and the entire world. Vietnam is willing to be a friend, a trustworthy partner, and a responsible member of the international community. Amidst current complicated global developments, the country condemns all invading wars, terrorist activities, actions that cause disturbance and overthrow, and intervention in internal affairs of sovereign countries. Vietnam supports struggles for peace, national independence, democracy, and social progress,” the President wrote.

He emphasised that Vietnam resolutely opposes plots and acts that invade and trigger disputes in the East Sea and threaten Vietnam’s sea and island sovereignty amid complicated developments in the region.

“To us, the homeland’s sea and island sovereignty is sacred and inviolable, and is a priceless asset that ancestors passed down, and the nowadays generation is obliged to preserve and protect it for future generations. Inheriting the nation’s peace-loving, friendly, and benevolent tradition, we persist in solving disputes peacefully in line with international law, agreements between ASEAN and China, and deals between Vietnamese and Chinese leaders in order to safeguard the national sea and island sovereignty as well as to ensure the peaceful and stable environment for Vietnam’s development, for peace and stability in the region, as well as for freedom, security, and safety on the shipping route of leading importance to the world. Justice and reason belong to our people. We uphold justice to unite and bring into play the strength of the entire nation, of people in the country and overseas compatriots, to call for the broad and strong support of other countries and the international community for Vietnam ’s struggle. At the same time, Vietnam always actively prepares other appropriate solutions so as to be ready for all situations to firmly safeguard the nation’s sacred territory, sea, and islands,” the President wrote.

He expressed belief that Vietnam is marching on the path to socialism in a firm, confident and strong manner, continues pushing the renewal process to final success, and joins hand with the progressive mankind in building a world of peace, stability, friendship, cooperation, and prosperity.-VNA

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