President Ho Chi Minh in the heart of Tuyen Quang people

The northern mountainous province of Tuyen Quang is associated with great events and major milestones in Vietnam’s revolutionary history. This was where President Ho Chi Minh returned on April 2, 1947 to lead the nation in its resistance war against French colonialists.

Lang Sao village in Hop Thanh commune, Son Duong district, was the first place President Ho Chi Minh lived and worked soon after returning to lead the nation’s resistance war. During his time here, Uncle Ho chaired many important meetings and resolved issues that had a decisive influence on the early stages of the war.

During his time in Tuyen Quang province, President Ho Chi Minh also chaired many important diplomatic activities, including building a fighting alliance between the three Indochinese countries - Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos - to fight the common enemy.

The area of Ngoi village in My Bang commune, Yen Son district, is where the Party and Government prepared for Prince Souphanouvong and a delegation of Lao revolutionary cadres to live and work.

Tuyen Quang province has a special advantage in instilling the Party’s revolutionary tradition. Each place imprinted with Uncle Ho’s footsteps will forever go down in history and be a source of honour and pride for the people of Tuyen Quang - the capital of the resistance war./.