Inher remarks at the event, Deputy Director of the municipal Department ofCulture and Sports Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy said the Ho Chi Minh-inspired culturalspace in the southern city includes special values that cannot be seenelsewhere. It is not just about monuments of the late leader, or literary andart works about him, but a combination of various factors such as the lifestyle, demeanour and morality of people learning from him, she said.
NgoVan Luan, deputy head of the municipal Party Committee’s Department of MassMobilisation, emphasised the city named after the late President holds great responsibility in preserving andpromoting cultural heritages left by the leader to provide people with a deeperunderstanding about the leader.
Heurged local women’s unions to develop intangible and tangible cultural spacesabout the president, such as small libraries, photo exhibitions and quizzes. Women’sunions must also promote the campaign of building Vietnamese women of the new era in association with the drive on studying and following the ideology, morality and style of President Ho Chi Minh./.