Held by the Vietnamese Embassy in Cuba, the Cuba Institute forFriendship with the Peoples and the Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Association,the event was attended by Yolanda Ferrer, head of the Cuba NationalAssembly’s External Relations Committee, Vietnamese Ambassador DuongMinh, and overseas Vietnamese living in Cuba.
Ambassador Minh recalled milestones in President Ho Chi Minh’srevolutionary cause, stating that his thoughts and principles continueto guide Vietnamese people in the country’s national construction,development and defence.
He also informedparticipants of current tensions in the East Sea after China illegallyplaced a drilling rig in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone andcontinental shelf in early May.
The act seriouslyinfringes Vietnam’s sovereignty and jurisdiction as well as the 1982United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the 2002 Declarationon the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, he added.
The diplomat also called on peace-lovers worldwide, including those inCuba, to continue backing Vietnam’s just cause of safeguarding itssovereignty and peace.
On the day, the Organisationof Solidarity with the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America alsoheld a seminar to mark President Ho Chi Minh’s 124th birthday and the119th death anniversary of Cuban national hero Jose Marti.
Meanwhile, representatives from the Vietnamese Embassy in Mexicoalso paid tribute to the late President at his statue in the Peoples’Park in Mexico City .
On this occasion, NationalCoordinator of the Mexican Labour Party Alberto Anaya Gutiérez, who isalso head of the Mexican-Vietnamese Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group,visited doctors of Vietnam’s Central Acupuncture Hospital, who are on aworking visit in Monterrey city.
He reaffirmed hisconsistent stance of supporting Vietnam’s sovereignty, adding that hehopes the East Sea issue will be solved through dialogue and on thebasis of international law.-VNA