During his online talks with Japanese Prime Minister SugaYoshihide, Phuc rejoiced at the strong, comprehensive development of the Vietnam-Japanextensive strategic partnership with high political trust.
He praised Suga’s contributions to the bilateralties, as well as his good sentiments towards the land and people of Vietnam, sayingthe Japanese PM had selected Vietnam for his first overseas trip after takingoffice last October.
Phuc thanked the Japanese government and people fortheir support to Vietnam in the pandemic fight, with the latest donation batch of400,000 vaccine doses announced recently, raising Japan’s total vaccinedonations to Vietnam to 3.58 million doses.
He also used the occasion to thank Japan for assistingnearly 450,000 Vietnamese in the host country, and called for more Japanesesupport in the pandemic combat.
Sharing difficulties to Japanese firms, Phuc saidVietnam will continue to accompany them, remove obstacles to their productionand business, and maintain supply chains.
He congratulated Japan on its successfulorganisation of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, which havebecome a symbol of solidarity amid COVID-19.
For his part, Suga highlighted Phuc’s attention to theVietnam-Japan friendship over the past time, and recalled the Vietnamese leader’swarm reception during his trip last year.
Japan will further assist Vietnam in the pandemicfight, he affirmed, expressing his thanks to the Vietnamese side for vaccinatingJapanese citizens in the country, and its support to Japanese enterprises.
Suga also praised the Vietnamese sport delegation’s participationin the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, contributing to thesuccess of the events./.