President meets new South African, Egyptian ambassadors

President Tran Dai Quang hosted separate receptions for the newly-accredited ambassadors of South Africa and Egypt to Vietnam in Hanoi on March 28.
President meets new South African, Egyptian ambassadors ảnh 1President Tran Dai Quang (R) and South African Ambassador Mpetjane Kgaogelo Lekgoro. (Source: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – President Tran Dai Quang hosted separate receptions for the newly-accredited ambassadors of South Africa and Egypt to Vietnam in Hanoi on March 28.

At a meeting with South African Ambassador Mpetjane Kgaogelo Lekgoro, President Quang expressed his hope that the diplomat will make constructive contributions to the friendship between Vietnam and South Africa.

The leader used the occasion to extend his congratulations to South Africa on the successful organisation of the presidential election, and Cyril Ramaphosa on his win in the election.

The host said he believes that under the leadership of President Cyril Ramaphosa and the African National Congress (ANC), the South African Government and people will reap more achievements in national construction and development.

Vietnam always treasures the traditional friendship, and the “partnership for cooperation and development” with South Africa, President Quang stressed.

He suggested the two countries join hands in organising pragmatic activities marking the 25th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties and the 100th birth anniversary of President Nelson Mandela in 2018, and soon organise the fourth Vietnam-South Africa Inter-Governmental Partnership Forum in Pretoria.

The President stressed that Vietnam highly values South Africa’s role as an economic locomotive in Africa as well as its role and influence in multilateral organisations and forums like the UN, the African Alliance, the Non-Aligned Movement, the group of 20 developing nations (G20), the group of emerging economies which comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS), and the South African Development Community.

He also praised South Africa’s efforts to promote peace and cooperation in the region and the world at large.

Mentioning trade cooperation between the two countries, President Quang urged the ambassador to pay attention to promoting bilateral economic, trade and investment ties, and affiliation in mining, education, tourism, natural resources and environment, culture and people-to-people exchange.

In reply, the South African ambassador pledged that he will make all-out efforts to maintain and enhance the bilateral relationship, heeding the exchange of high-level visits between the two countries.

Noting Vietnam’s important role and position in the international arena, the diplomat said South Africa pays due attention to stepping up cooperation with Vietnam at multilateral forums and international organisations.

At the reception for Egyptian Ambassador Mahmoud Hassan Neyel, President Quang expressed his belief that with his experience and pro-activeness, the diplomat will have significant contributions to fostering the Vietnam-Egypt ties.
President meets new South African, Egyptian ambassadors ảnh 2 President Tran Dai Quang (L) and Egyptian Ambassador Mahmoud Hassan Neyel. (Source: VNA)

President Quang conveyed his greetings to his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah Ah Sisi while recalling good memories of Abdel Fattah Ah Sisi’s visit to Vietnam in 2017. He hoped that Egypt will have a successful election in March, 2018, a significant event in the northeast Asian nation.

Speaking highly of the bilateral cooperation at multilateral and international forums, he thanked Egypt for supporting Vietnam’s candidacies for the United Nations (UN)’ agencies, particularly the country had a diplomatic notes endorsing Vietnam to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure.

Regarding the bilateral ties, President Quang wished that Mahmoud Hassan Neyel will work to boost delegation exchanges to fortify friendship and mutual understanding.

Also, he recommended the Egyptian Ambassador work to increase two-way trade value to 1 billion USD as set by leaders from both sides, hoping that Egypt will help Vietnam build a set of Halal food standards used in the country, laying a foundation for exports to the Muslim markets.

Cooperation should be deepened in one kind of sport or art education via scholarship programmes and short-term training course to enhance people-to-people exchanges, he suggested.

Ambassador Mahmoud Hassan Neyel, for his part, said that the Egyptian President expects to welcome President Tran Dai Quang on his state visit to his country, saying that the trip will create a strong impetus for the cooperative ties between the two nations.

Egypt wants to learn from Vietnam’s experience in socio-economic development, he said, adding that he will focus on promoting two-way trade and facilitating conditions for Vietnamese goods to enter EU and African markets.-VNA

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