Prime Minister wants greater access to New Zealand market towards 2 billion USD in trade

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh proposed that New Zealand create more conditions for Vietnamese goods to access its market toward bringing the two countries' two-way trade turnover to 2 billion USD by 2024, during a reception for the new New Zealand Ambassador to Vietnam, Tredene Dobson, in Hanoi on March 15.
Prime Minister wants greater access to New Zealand market towards 2 billion USD in trade ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosts new New Zealand Ambassador to Vietnam Tredene Dobson (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh proposed that New Zealand create more conditions for Vietnamese goods to access its market toward bringing the two countries' two-way trade turnover to 2 billion USD by 2024, during a reception for the new New Zealand Ambassador to Vietnam, Tredene Dobson, in Hanoi on March 15. 

At the reception, Chinh expressed his delight at the countries’ growing ties, stressing that given complex COVID-19 developments, bilateral high-level exchanges and interactions as well as cooperation in trade, economy, and investment have been maintained.

The PM thanked the New Zealand Government for providing ODA for Vietnam to realise its sustainable development goals with a focus on agriculture and rural development, human resources, disaster management and response, climate change, and poverty eradication.

Lauding the signing of the 2021-2024 action plan between the two countries, Chinh recommended that the two sides coordinate the implementation of the plan to practically and effectively deepen and expand their cooperation. In the immediate future, he noted it is necessary to resume the exchange of delegations at all levels, particularly high-level ones, when conditions permit; regularly deploy cooperation mechanisms in a flexible form; and restore and further promote collaboration in education, tourism, culture and society when opening the border.

He asked New Zealand to maintain and increase its government scholarships for Vietnam annually and continue its English Language Training for Officials Scholarships for Vietnamese public officials.

Appreciating New Zealand’s aid of 30,000 doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine for Vietnam last year and its contributions to Southeast Asia’s response to the pandemic, PM Chinh wished that the country will give further assistance for Vietnam in its economic recovery as well as for the country and the region in accessing supply sources of COVID-19 vaccines and medical equipment.  

He asked that the New Zealand Government will continue to create favourable conditions for Vietnamese citizens to live and work there in the context of complicated epidemic conditions, as well as help them to safely return home according to their wish.

For her part, Ambassador Dobson congratulated the Vietnamese Government for its controlling of the pandemic serving upcoming reopening and socio-economic development.

She vowed to further assist Vietnam in pandemic prevention and recovery, and help fostering the two nations’ economic and trade ties. She hoped their leaders will soon visit each other at a convenient time.

The diplomat pledged to do her utmost in strengthening the two nations’ relations in the time to come, particularly the implementation of the action plan deploying their strategic partnership for 2021-2024.

Both host and guest agreed to continue to support the protection of international order based on rules, especially the United Nations Charter and Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982); as well as to actively participate in and contribute to cooperation for peace, stability and security in the East Sea and in the region./.

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