Prime Minister welcomes Saint Kitts & Nevis FM

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has made it clear that the Vietnamese Government supports the promotion of friendship and all-sided cooperation with Saint Kitts & Nevis.
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has made it clear that the Vietnamese Government supports the promotion of friendship and all-sided cooperation with Saint Kitts & Nevis, as part of the country’s policy of developing ties with the Latin American region and Caribbean nations in particular.

At a reception for Foreign Minister of Saint Kitts & Nevis Patrice Nisbett in Hanoi on November 20, PM Dung hailed his visit which takes place following the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties on November 1.

Nisbett said the Government of Saint Kitts and Nevis is interested in augmenting friendship and cooperation with Vietnam .

The FM of Saint Kitts & Nevis is here for an official visit from November 18-21 at the invitation of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh.

At the talks between the two foreign ministers, both sides updated each other of situation in each nation and talked about steps to facilitate all-around cooperation.

The guest spotlighted his country’s foreign policy of friendship, peace and cooperation and the Government’s guideline of stepping up links with Southeast Asian nations, including Vietnam , especially in fields of strength of both sides like trade, agriculture and tourism.

FM Minh highly valued proposals voiced by his guest, saying that both sides should facilitate visits by all-level delegations and sign cooperation documents in order to lay a foundation for bilateral ties, particularly in economics, trade and investment.

Discussing regional and global issues of mutual interest, they agreed to work closely together at multilateral and global forums.-VNA

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