Project promotes sustainable community development in Thua Thien-Hue

A non-refundable aid project aiming to promote sustainable community development through education activities for children and community-based tourism will be implemented in the central province of Thua Thien - Hue during 2019-2022, according to the provincial People’s Committee.
Project promotes sustainable community development in Thua Thien-Hue ảnh 1A corner of Hue city (Source:

Thua Thien - Hue (VNA) - A non-refundable aid project aiming to promote sustainable community development through education activities for children and community-based tourism will be implemented in the central province of Thua Thien - Hue during 2019-2022, according to the provincial People’s Committee.

Funded by Bridge Asia Japan - a non-profit organisation of Japan, with total investment of 56,983 USD, the project will benefit residents in Thuy Xuan, Huong Long and Thuy Bieu wards of Hue city.

It is hoped to help foster socio-economic development, especially in suburban areas of Hue city.

The project will also contribute to raising public awareness of the importance of preserving culture identity and natural landscapes of the ancient city, as well as promoting values and attractiveness of Hue city to domestic and foreign visitors.

It focuses on providing environment-related knowledge for and educating local primary students on the importance of protecting the environment.

Meanwhile, locals in the wards will be equipped with knowledge and skills on tourism, towards helping them organise tourism activities by themselves after the project ends.-VNA 

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