Worth a total of 1billion VND (42,000 USD), the donations will keep medical staff, patients, andvolunteers safe at ten hospitals on the frontlines of the COVID-19 fight inHanoi and HCM City.
VNRC President NguyenThi Xuan Thu highlighted Prudential Vietnam’s participation in VNRC’s communitycharity campaigns and said the donations are part of its contribution toensuring sustainable development in Vietnam.
Vietnamese medical workershave received a huge degree of support from the community in recent times, shewent on, expressing a hope that the country would soon see the end of the pandemicfrom the joint efforts of the Party, the State, and the Vietnamese people.
For his part, PrudentialVietnam Assurance CEO Clive Baker expressed his gratitude towards theGovernment, Vietnamese doctors and medical staff, and others engaged in the fightagainst COVID-19 fight for their resilience in recent times.
Prudential Vietnamwishes to continue accompanying VNRC in community activities, realising itsmotto of “Act for a healthy and prosperous community”, he said.
VNRC launched aCOVID-19 prevention and control programme in April, calling on everyone toprovide support to doctors and medical workers in the fight against COVID-19.
VNRC and the GlobalHealthcare Company Abbott earlier presented 27,600 bottles of milk to doctorsand medical workers at 22 hospitals nationwide./.