Sellerson such streets as Hang Ma, Hang Luoc, and Luong Van Can, home to many toy anddecorations stores, said that this year, consumers are tightening their belts dueto economic difficulties, leading to slow consumption though Christmas is just aroundthe corner.
Mostvisitors here are young people coming for sightseeing and taking check-inphotos, they noted.
NguyenVan Bay, owner of a souvenir shop on Hang Luoc in Hoan Kiem district, said thestreet has become more vibrant on these days, but the majority of visitors areyoungsters going out for pleasure.
Economicdifficulties have discouraged people from spending, especially on Christmasdecorations, he added.
Sharing the same view, Hoang Thi Van Anh, a shop owner on Hang Ma in Hoan Kiemdistrict, noted prices of decorations this year are equivalent to last year’s,but purchasing power has yet to meet expectations because of economic slowdown.
Therefore,she continued, her store has offered some new and unique products to attractbuyers.
Aside from decorations, the market of fresh pine trees also has diverseproducts to offer. Most of the trees are imported from Denmark, the Netherlands,and China.
Inaddition to the traditional market, Christmas decorations and gifts with pricesabout 20% lower are also being sold on e-marketplaces such as Lazada, Sendo,and Shopee or social media platforms like Facebook or Zalo./.