Quang Nam: Climate change adaptation models prove effective

Climate change adaptation models piloted in the central province of Quang Nam have reaped successes, heard a workshop held by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Danish Embassy.
Quang Nam: Climate change adaptation models prove effective ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Quang Nam (VNA) - Climate change adaptation models piloted in the central province of Quang Nam have reaped successes, heard a workshop held by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Danish Embassy in Vietnam in the locality on November 26.

Reports presented at the event showed that since 2009, the local authorities have worked to raise public awareness of the importance of climate change adaptation, especially among those from vulnerable areas. Pilot models were carried out in 11 districts, towns and cities such as Dien Ban, Hoi An, Duy Xuyen and Thang Binh.

Multi-purpose infrastructure facilities, medical stations, kindergartens and irrigation works were built and mangrove forests were planted during the period, benefiting locals and contributing local efforts in response to climate change.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Huynh Khanh Toan said Quang Nam will withdraw lessons from the pilot implementation to expand the models to other areas in the future.

During the workshop, participants introduced a data management system on climate change in Vietnam and priorities in the field in the next five years.

They concurred that it is necessary to update climate change and sea level rise scenarios for localities nationwide, which will be used as a foundation for ministries and sectors to build and effectively implement action plans for climate change adaptation in 2016-2020.

Development strategies, programmes and plans of each sector and field related to climate change will be revised and adjusted, they added.

Participants stressed the need to increase investments in disaster forecast and warning as well as climate change control while stepping up research on new environmentally friendly technologies and equipment.

Communication campaigns to raise public awareness of effective use of natural resources, especially water resources, will also be intensified in the time to come.-VNA


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