The provincial People's Committee described the conference as a good chance forinvestors to tap into business and investment opportunities in the locality,contributing to promoting its socio-economic development.
During the event, Quang Tri will deliver its call for investment into majorsectors including industry-construction, agriculture, services and tourism. Theenergy sector, in particular, is seen by local authorities as key to theprovince's development while agriculture is the foundation of the local economyand tourism is expected to gradually become a key economic sector.
In recent years, Quang Tri has placed great importance on implementinginvestment promotion activities, facilitating the improvement of mechanisms andpolicies and speeding up administrative reforms to improve its business andinvestment environment.
Local authorities will improve the efficiency of investment promotionactivities and strengthen coordination with ministries and regional units indeploying investment promotion while addressing difficulties for investors in atimely manner.
During the 2016-20 period, the province attracted about 300 projects withcapital totalling 150 trillion VND. Of which, 25 came towards energy; 34 inwood processing; 17 in farming and seafood and 15 in tourism and services./.