Question-and-Answer activities a focus of NA’s third working week

Question-and-Answer activities will be a focus of the third working week of the National Assembly (June 6-10).
Question-and-Answer activities a focus of NA’s third working week ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – Question-and-Answer activities will be a focus of the third working week of the National Assembly (June 6-10).

The Q&A sessions will take place over the course of two and a half days, from the afternoon of June 7 through June 9, to be broadcast live on national television and radio channels.

 Four groups of issues will be addressed during the sessions, which are agriculture-rural development, finance, banking, and transport.

Also during the week, NA deputies will listen to and examine reports on the investment policies for several highway projects, and the beltways No.4 of Hanoi and No.3 of Ho Chi Minh City.

The review and assessment of the implementation of Resolution 66/2013/QH13, a plan on carrying out the next phase of  the Ho Chi Minh Highway, and a draft resolution on piloting special mechanisms and policies for Khanh Hoa province will also be tabled for discussion.

The deputies are also scheduled to vote on a resolution on the NA’s supervision programme in 2023, and another resolution on the law and decree building programme for 2023 and adjustments to the law building programme for 2022./.

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