Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park

The Tram Chim National Park, a half-year dry, another-half flooded land, spanning over 7,312 hectares in Tam Nong district, Dong Thap province is habitated by hundreds of species of flora and fauna.
Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park ảnh 1Tram Chim National Park is the fourth Ramsar site in Vietnam and the 2,000th in the world. (Source: VNA)
Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park ảnh 2The park is one of the nation's eighth bird preserve areas, with  147 birds species along with over 100 vertebrate and 40 fish species. (Source: VNA)
Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park ảnh 3Numerous rare bird species are seen in the national park, such as red-crown cranes, grey-headed lapwings, pelicans. (Source: VNA)
Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park ảnh 4Cajeput trees in the forest (Source: VNA)
Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park ảnh 5Typical carpets of grass in the submerged land in the forest (Source: VNA)
Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park ảnh 6​An overview of the Tram Chim National Park (Source: VNA)
Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park ảnh 7The forest has 2,968 hectares of timber trees (Source: VNA)
Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park ảnh 8Asian openbill ​gather in the forest (Source: VNA) 
Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park ảnh 9​The forest is also an attractive tourism destination (Source: VNA)
Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park ảnh 10 (Source: VNA) 
Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park ảnh 11A staff ​ is taking care of grey-headed swamphen. (Source: VNA)
Rare birds crowd in Tram Chim National Park ảnh 12Tourists can have an overview of the forest from the observatory (Source: VNA)

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