Reference exchange rate adjusted up 8 VND

The daily reference exchange rate was adjusted up 8 VND to 22,640 VND/USD on July 10.
Reference exchange rate adjusted up 8 VND ảnh 1Reference exchange rate adjusted up 8 VND. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA)
- The daily reference exchange rate was adjusted up 8 VND to 22,640 VND/USD on July 10.  

With the current trading band of +/- 3 percent, the ceiling rate applied to commercial banks during the day is 23,319 VND/USD and the floor rate 21,961 VND/USD.

The rates listed at commercial banks also saw slight rises from July 9.

Vietcombank listed its buying rate at 23,000 VND/USD and the selling rate 23,070 VND/USD, both up 5 VND.

The buying rate at Techcombank was also raised by 5 VND to 22,985 VND/USD but the selling rate was cut by 5 VND to 23,085 VND/USD.

Meanwhile, BIDV is buying the green back at 23,005 VND/USD, and selling at 23,075 VND/USD, both up 5 VND from July 9.-VNA

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