Reference exchange rate up 6 VND

The daily reference exchange rate set by the State Bank of Vietnam rose by another 6 VND on April 20, standing at 22,498 VND/USD.
Reference exchange rate up 6 VND ảnh 1The daily reference exchange rate set by the State Bank of Vietnam rose by another 6 VND on April 20 (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA)
– The daily reference exchange rate set by the State Bank of Vietnam rose by another 6 VND on April 20, standing at 22,498 VND/USD.

With the current trading band of +/-3 percent, the ceiling rate applied to commercial banks during the day is 23,176 VND/USD and the floor rate 21,732 VND/USD.

Meanwhile, the opening hour rates at major commercial banks showed decreases from April 19.

Vietcombank and BIDV listed the buying rate at 22,740 VND/USD and the selling rate at 22,810 VND/USD, both down 5 VND from April 19.

The rates listed at Vietinbank were revised down 8 VND/USD, with the buying rate standing at 22,740 VND/US and the selling rate 22,810 VND/USD.

This is the third day in a row that the daily reference exchange rate has been adjusted up this week, after going down in the first two days. -VNA


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