Reference exchange rate up 8 VND

The VND/USD reference exchange rate was set at 22,101 VND per USD on November 17, up 8 VND from the day before.
Reference exchange rate up 8 VND ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The VND/USD reference exchange rate was set at 22,101 VND per USD on November 17, up 8 VND from the day before.

With the current trading band of +/- 3 percent, the ceiling rate applied for commercial banks is 22,764 VND and the floor rate, 21,438 VND for one USD.

The opening hour rates listed at commercial banks also saw remarkable increases.

At Vietinbank, the buying rate was listed at 22,350 VND and selling rate, 22,420 VND, both up 20 VND compared to November 15.

BIDV also raised both rates by 20 VND, listing the buying rate at 22,350 VND and selling rate at 22,420 VND for one USD.

At Vietcombank, one USD was bought for 22,345 VND, up 30 VND from the day before, and sold for 22,415 VND, up 35 VND.-VNA


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