Regional meeting on maritime security opens in Da Nang

The 11th ASEAN Regional Forum Inter-Sessional Meeting on Maritime Security opened in the central city of Da Nang on March 14.

The 11th ASEAN Regional Forum Inter-Sessional Meeting on Maritime Security opened in the central city of Da Nang on March 14 with the participation of more than 80 delegates from 27 countries and experts from international organisations.

The annual meeting aims to review maritime security situation as well as cooperation activities within the ASEAN Regional Forum, and giving recommendations and initiatives for the next period.

Rarticipants are exchanging their opinions on the regional maritime security, including outcomes of cooperation and challenges, as well as efficiency of current relevant mechanisms.

They are also sharing information on policies and measures applied at the national level, while discussing various matters related to maritime safety, sea environment and sustainable development.

As scheduled, the delegates will debate and approve new initiatives and add them into the ARF plan of actions in the 2019-2020 period.

Established in 1994, the the ASEAN Regional Forum aims to promote dialogue and cooperation among member countries in politics-security, thus contributing to peace, stability and trust-building process in the region.

The event will run through March 15.-VNA