Resolution on general election results announced

The National Election Council on June 8 issued a resolution announcing the results of the election and the list of 496 newly-elected deputies to the 14th National Assembly.
Resolution on general election results announced ảnh 1At the press conference (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The National Election Council on June 8 issued a resolution announcing the results of the election and the list of 496 newly-elected deputies to the 14th National Assembly.

The resolution is in line with Article 86 of the Law on the Election of Members of the NA and the People’s Councils.

The resolution was also announced at a press conference in Hanoi on June 9 which was chaired by NA Vice Chairman and member of the National Election Council Phung Quoc Hien and NA Secretary General Nguyen Hanh Phuc.

Tran Van Tuy, head of the NA Committee for Deputy Affairs, said more than 67 million constituents cast votes on May 22, or 99.35 percent.

The highest turnout was posted by the central province Thua Thien-Hue (99.99 percent) and the northern mountainous province of Yen Bai (99.98 percent).

Among 496 elected deputies, 86 are ethnic minorities, (fewer than the expected 90 but higher than the 13 th tenure’s 78), 133 are women (fewer than the expected 150 but higher than the 13 th tenure’s 122), 21 are non-Party members and 71 aged below 40.

As many as 160 NA deputies were re-elected, accounting for 32.3 percent.

Concluding the press conference, Hien said the election of deputies to the 14 th NA and the People’s Councils for 2016-2021 has been a success, ensuring democracy and fairness in a legal, economical manner and becoming a true festival of all people.

Following the announcement of results, the National Election Council will consider and deal with any complaints in line with the law and verify the qualifications of elected deputies who will report to the 14 th NA’s first meeting, he said.-VNA


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