Hanoi (VNA) – Businesses from theRepublic of Korea (RoK) still hope there will be breakthroughs in inter-Koreancooperation projects in the future despite no agreement being reached onreduced sanctions or denunclearisation at the recent DPRK-USA Hanoi Summit.
An official from Huyndai Asan said though thesummit didn’t end as expected, the group will continue preparing for inter-Koreanprojects with the hope of resuming business activities which had been delayed.
Meanwhile, the association of RoK firmsoperating factories in the Kaesong industrial park in the city of the same nameexpressed regret about the outcome, but affirmed this does not mean an end andsaid important issues could be resolved.
According to the Republic of Korea’sPresidential Office (Blue House), the second summit between DPRK leader KimJong-un and US President Donald Trump in Hanoi on February 27-28 mademeaningful progress.
In a statement released after the summitconcluded on February 28, the Blue House said the RoK regretted the two sideswere unable to reach an agreement, however they have made the most meaningfulprogress of their talks so far.
That President Trump expressed his willingnessto continue talks will brighten the prospects for another summit, the statementsaid.-VNA