Seoul (VNA) – The Republic of Korea (RoK)’sparliament will make efforts to ensure no more recurrence of abuse of Vietnamesebrides by their Korean husbands, affirmed Speaker of the RoK’s NationalAssembly Moon Hee-sang.
The official made the statement while receiving a delegationof the Vietnamese National Assembly led by Tran Van Tuy, head of the NA’sCommittee for Deputy Affairs and President of the Vietnam – RoK FriendshipParliamentarians’ Group, in Seoul on July 9.
Moon stated that Vietnam and the RoK have close relationsand that his country considers Vietnamese expatriates its citizens.
For his part, Tuy said he hopes such family violence likethe recent case is just an exception and requested that the RoK NA and Governmentwill not let similar cases to happen again.
He noted his delegation’s current visit aims to monitor theimplementation of agreements between the two governments, wishing it to help strengthenthe countries’ strategic cooperative partnership.
The official expressed his hope that the Vietnam – RoK andRoK – Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Groups will carry out moreactivities in the coming time.
He asked his host to pay attention to boosting RoK’sinvestment in Vietnam as well as the teaching of Korean in Vietnam andVietnamese in the RoK.
Enhancing information sharing between the two nations isalso necessary to timely tackle problems arising within the Vietnamesecommunity in the RoK and the Korean community in Vietnam, Tuy added.
In response, Moon said he will work to encourage RoK firmsto invest more in Vietnam.
The RoK National Assembly will build a law to protectforeigners in the country, including those from Vietnam, he stressed.
Moon also took the occasion to thank the VietnameseGovernment for hosting the second summit between the US and the DemocraticPeople’s Republic of Korea in Hanoi, adding that the event is a beginning offurther steps toward a peaceful Korean Peninsula.
The same day, the Vietnamese delegation had a friendlymeeting with Kim Hak-yong, head of the RoK National Assembly’s Environment andLabour Committee, who was recently honoured with the Friendship Order of theVietnamese State for his significant contributions to the strategic partnershipbetween the two countries.
Earlier, on July 8, the delegation paid a courtesy call to PrimeMinister of the RoK Lee Nak-yon, who highlighted that he pays attention tomulticultural families and the protection of the wives in these families.
He stated the RoK Government will carry out measures toprevent domestic violence against foreign wives.
The RoK Government leader said he values the relations withVietnam and will make efforts to increase the RoK’s investment in and technologytransfer to Vietnam.-VNA