The launch of K-UPA came as the ministry has been working with thestate-run Ulsan Port Authority to open the centre in Vietnam’s southernprovince of Dong Nai to help Korean firms store goods under room or lowtemperatures.
Under the collaboration with Korea-based logistics firm KCTC, the projectvalued at 18.8 KRW (14.3 million USD), focuses on the construction of a12,000-square-metre centre which is able to store 4.3 million pallets of goods.
The Ulsan Port Authority holds an 80% stake in the project, with the VietnameseKCTC taking up the remainder.
Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Kang Do-hyung said when the centre opens its doors, it willsignificantly enhance the export competitiveness of Korean firms operating inSoutheast Asia.
The centre is expected to become operational in December this year, with thefull service set to begin by July 2025. It will offer discounts of around10-15% for small and medium-sized companies of the RoK./.