Russian journalist: Happy when working in Vietnam

Journalist Yury Denisovich, Russian News Agency TASS bureau chief in Vietnam, has worked in the Southeast Asian country for 26 years, and has a strong devotion to media activities here.
Russian journalist: Happy when working in Vietnam ảnh 1Journalist Yury Denisovich (L) visits the Vietnam News Agency photo exhibition (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Hanoi (VNA) – Journalist Yury Denisovich, Russian News Agency TASS bureau chief in Vietnam, has worked in the Southeast Asian country for 26 years, and has a strong devotion to media activities here.

On the occasion of the 98th Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day (June 21, 1925-2023), Yury Denisovich shared with the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) about his experiences as a journalist in Vietnam.

Three generations working as journalists

Reporter: You came to Vietnam when you were a boy. What was your first impression of this country?

Journalist Yury Denisovich: I first travelled to Vietnam in 1988. At that time, my father was an international journalist appointed as the TASS bureau chief in the country.

From the very beginning, I found Vietnam a very interesting country, completely different from Russia - my hometown, and from Mongolia, where I lived with my family 7 years earlier.

Through each stage of my life, I have found Vietnam interesting in different ways. When I was a schoolboy, I enjoyed watching the streets of Hanoi with countless motorbikes and bicycles that I could not see in Russia.

When I became a student, I was interested in discovering and experiencing life with my friends, finding out where they go, what they do, what books they read, besides studying. At that time, I started riding a motorbike and it was a really fun experience.

Later, as a journalist, I became interested in all aspects of Vietnamese life, from politics to culture and science.

Russian journalist: Happy when working in Vietnam ảnh 2Journalist Yury Denisovich and Vietnam News Agency General Director Vu Viet Trang (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Reporter: How did you become a journalist? Was it a family tradition?

Journalist Yury Denisovich: After graduating from the High School of the Russian Embassy in Hanoi in 1992, I decided to study Vietnamese language and choose the Falcuty of Vietnamese Language, at the University of Hanoi (now Vietnam National University, Hanoi). After that, I reserved a year to go to Moscow to study at the Lomonosov Moscow State University’s Institute of Asian and African Studies. Here I studied at the Faculty of Linguistics, specializing in Vietnamese. This was what helped me orient my future career.

Since I was a student, I had determined that I would work in Vietnam and I always strived for that. So far, I am happy that I have chosen to be a journalist.

My family has three generations working for TASS. My grandfather had nearly 40 years of continuously working here; my father, 36 years; and I, now 26 years. I am very happy and proud to be a reporter of the largest news agency in Russia, especially to work in Vietnam.

Reporter: TASS owns one of the world's largest correspondent networks with 682 domestic and 94 foreign representative bureaus, and about 2,000 reporters. Can you tell us how a representative office works?

Journalist Yury Denisovich: Normally, reporters of news agencies go abroad for a term of about 3-4 years, and then return home, or move to another country.

During this time, journalists can learn more about the host country, get to know more colleagues, expand relationships and connect with necessary people. Therefore, the three-year period is a bit too short.

Meanwhile, leaders of TASS held that the working time of a reporter abroad should depend on the quality of their work. If he does his job well and loves the country in which he resides, there is no need to terminate his term after three years of service. I myself have 26 years working in Vietnam.

Reporter: Can you share a memory when working in Vietnam or a work produced in Vietnam that you are most interested in?

Journalist Yury Denisovich: During my time as a reporter in Vietnam, I have had opportunities to report on many different events, major international forums, and visits to Vietnam by high-ranking delegations. I have also interviewed many Vietnamese leaders. Each such meeting left me with very warm and unforgettable impressions.

If talking about my deepest memories in recent years, it is definitely the two APEC Summits in 2006 and 2017.

For APEC 2006, this was the largest international event organised by Vietnam, with the presence of more than 20 leaders of the world's most powerful economies.

I was impressed that the National Convention Centre was built very quickly and beautifully to serve the event. Now this place has become a symbol of the new political-economic centre of Hanoi capital.

Another important event was APEC 2017 in the central city of Da Nang. The Vietnamese side ensured the highest scale, regulation and quality for this important event, even though the venue was not in the capital city.

Russian journalist: Happy when working in Vietnam ảnh 3Leaders of the Vietnam News Agency and high-ranking delegation of Russian News Agency TASS pose for a group photo after their talks on October 21, 2013 at the VNA headquarters. (Photo: VNA)

Reporter: After 35 years in Vietnam, how do you see the country changing now?

Journalist Yury Denisovich: In the first years when we came here, life in Vietnam was very difficult. The country had just gone through war, reconstruction work was beginning. Everyone had to work very hard to restore the economy, and preserve peace.

Now, we see a completely different picture - a beautiful, prosperous, economically strong country, a cheerful and happy nation that is always proud of its achievements in its homeland.

One thing that hasn't changed over the years is my love and respect for the people of Vietnam.

I find Vietnamese people very kind, open and friendly and they are always ready to help others in any situation. Many Russians working in embassies and representative offices of Russian organisations feel the same. If you can make friends with Vietnamese people, they are sincere friends for life.

Towards the 65th anniversary of VNA-TASS relations

Reporter: This year, the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) is the standing body of the ninth National External Information Service Awards. As a representative of a foreign press agency, how do you evaluate the award?

Journalist Yury Denisovich: As far as I know, this is the third time the VNA has taken turn to be the standing body of the award. This is a very important and topical award, opening up a creative space for people who work in external information services in Vietnam and abroad. The award is a bright spot in communications in general and the external information service in particular. It transmits the image of Vietnam's country, people, culture and dynamic development to international friends. The award aims to recognise and honour outstanding authors, works and products in the external information service and promote the country's development achievements in fields.

Reporter: TASS in Vietnam has participated in National External Information Service Awards and won prizes many times. What have you prepared for this year’s awards?

Journalist Yury Denisovich: We have participated in the award many times with works on many different topics, mainly reflecting typical features of Vietnamese culture and cuisine, and the development of Vietnamese economy or in-depth interviews with Party and State leaders.

Of course, not all the entries we submitted won prizes but we achieved our goal. Thanks to those works, many people abroad know more about the beautiful country of Vietnam.

I have not decided which works to submit for this year's contest, but they will most likely works featuring brotherhood, good relations between TASS and the VNA on the occasion the two agencies celebrate 65th anniversary of establishment of their relations in October.

Reporter: The VNA has representative offices in 30 countries and territories around the world and pays great attention to promoting Vietnam's image as well as the Party and State's policies and guidelines. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the VNA’s external information work?

Journalist Yury Denisovich: As one of the country's key multimedia press agencies, the VNA provides information in various forms which deeply reflect all areas of life in Vietnam.

VNA reporters develop timely reports on the political, economic and social life of the country as well as important political and diplomatic events, providing information to not only the Vietnamese but also foreign readers.

The VNA has been effectively operating for a long history and has established itself as the guarantor of timely and reliable information, becoming one of the leading media groups in Asia.

Generations of VNA journalists have worked tirelessly to ensure that the flow of information does not stop for a second on the vast information field of the Vietnamese press.

Russian journalist: Happy when working in Vietnam ảnh 4VNA General Director Vu Viet Trang introduces photos taken by VNA reporters in Hatay province of Turkey. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

At the launch ceremony of the ninth National External Information Service Awards, the VNA introduced a photo exhibition themed “Heart-melting humanity in quake epicentre Turkey” taken by a group of reporters in Hatay province in February 2023. Thanks to the photos, once again, I realised the VNA’s presence at important events in the world and the VNA has become a reliable and appropriate source of information for international community.

TASS and the VNA boast a 65-year partnership. Over the years, the two agencies have enjoyed professional cooperation and sincere friendship. Looking back on the journey, we can see the effectiveness, consistency, especially the affection that colleagues and comrades from the two agencies have for each other. This also opens up the prospect for them to further close collaboration to establish their strong position in the digital era.

Reporter: Thank you for your time!

In 2014, Yury Denisovich was awarded the Friendship Medal for his contributions to the cause of promoting and developing the Vietnam-Russia friendship relationship. In the same year, he was awarded a medal by Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2017, the Russian Peace Foundation awarded him the Medal for Peace and Friendship. 

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