Russian Vietnam War veterans gather in Moscow

Russian military experts who used to work in Vietnam during the wartime convened their annual get-together, the 40th of its kind, in Moscow on Aug. 5.
Russian military experts who used to work in Vietnam during the wartime convened their annual get-together, the 40th of its kind, in Moscow on Aug. 5.

In his opening speech, the President of the Organisation of Vietnam Veterans of Russia, Nikolai Kolesnik, said as from 1970 the function is held annually on Aug. 5, the day the US began its air raids on northern Vietnam .

Vietnamese minister counsellor Nguyen Ngoc Binh expressed his thanks to Russian people, particularly former Soviet Union veterans who worked with Vietnamese people to fight the US war in Vietnam, for their valuable assistance.

Russian veterans recalled their memories of the Vietnamese people and land, and wished Vietnam more achievements in the national construction and development.

The get-together also saw the participation of other officials from the Vietnamese Embassy and agencies./.

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