After nearly three months of implementation (from June 7 to August23, 2023), the first Smart Factory Development Cooperation Project has achievedmany impressive results. Vietnamese consultants, together with KoreanSamsung consultants, directly survey, evaluate and consult businesses.
The project also supported the development of smart factory modelsfor 12 enterprises, including five from Bac Ninh, one from Vinh Phuc, two fromHanoi, three from Hung Yen and one from Ha Nam, and achieved many positiveresults.
Kweon Hyeogchel, a consultant from Samsung Korea, said: “I clearlyfelt the strong spirit of business leaders during project implementationtowards the goal of developing the Smart Factory model, further improving itsown competitiveness in the context of intense competition and current economicdifficulties.”
Choi Joo Ho, President of Samsung Vietnam, said: “I am reallydelighted and proud to be able to visit the site and witness with my own eyesthe spectacular change of businesses as a result of their participation in theSmart Factory Development Cooperation Project. Every nook and cranny of thefactory appears to be taken care of by experts.”
“Furthermore, I believe that when businesses are determined torealise the smart factory model, the Vietnamese Government could ease theburden on these enterprises by applying policies that support costsubsidies or tax breaks,” he added.
Pham Tuan Anh, Deputy Director of the Department of Industry,said: "The enterprises participating in the project have promoted theirstrengths, applied creativity effectively, actively and proactively in theimplementation of tasks and support solutions from experts, andhave achieved important and positive results.”
Thang Long Packaging Production and Import-Export Joint StockCompany is one of the enterprises participating in this project.
Nguyen Minh Ngoc, general director of the company said:"Previously, we managed data entirely by manual methods. This projecthelped us digitise and manage the data on the software and the system.”
The project "Support for the development of smartfactories" phase 2/2023 will be implemented in the southern region fromSeptember 2023, and will also advise 12 businesses./.