Sandy beaches make Quy Nhon a top choice this summer

Perched between the tourist hotspots of Nha Trang and Hoi An, Quy Nhon town in Binh Dinh Province is less crowded but has quickly become one of the most searched beach holiday destinations in recent

Perched between the tourist hotspots of Nha Trang and Hoi An, Quy Nhon town in Binh Dinh Province is less crowded but has quickly become one of the most searched beach holiday destinations in recent years.

It is blessed with a 42 km coastline, and has been dubbed the "Maldives of Vietnam." What makes the beach unique and distinct are the round stones like giant birds’ eggs that cover hundreds of square meters.

Bai Xep (Xep Beach), 13 km south of Quy Nhon, is a remote fishing village with a small but pretty beach, crystal clear water and natural rocks emerging in the middle of the beach when the tide ebbs.

This remote fishing village gives tourists the opportunity to experience an authentic Vietnamese beach that is yet to be overrun by tourists. In 2016 U.S. publication Business Insider listed Bai Xep among one of 16 'secret beaches' in Asia.

Tourism is well developed here, with numerous hotels, hostels and restaurants. An increasing number of foreigners are choosing this place for longer stays to enjoy the warm weather and sea breeze./.