Scraps of fabric turned into artworks

Without using any brushes or paint, artist Nguyen Thu Huyen turns scrap pieces of fabric into works of art, mostly depicting women.
Scraps of fabric turned into artworks ảnh 1Painter Nguyen Thu Huyen has been creating art from scraps of fabric for over a decade. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Scraps of fabric turned into artworks ảnh 2Huyen makes a sketch on paper before creating the artwork, with the main topic being women. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Scraps of fabric turned into artworks ảnh 3The scraps of fabric are arranged in a way to create harmony in the artwork. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Scraps of fabric turned into artworks ảnh 4Huyen hold sessions for children on scrap artworks. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Scraps of fabric turned into artworks ảnh 5A work entitled “Seasonless street”. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Scraps of fabric turned into artworks ảnh 6A work entitled “Flowers of Impermanence”. (Photo: VNP/VNA)

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