SEA Games 29 wraps up in Malaysia

The 29th Southeast Asia (SEA) Games wrapped up at a ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on August 30 after ten days of official competition.
SEA Games 29 wraps up in Malaysia ảnh 1At the closing ceremony in the Bukit Jalil Stadium in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Source: EPA/VNA)
SEA Games 29 wraps up in Malaysia ảnh 2Audience enjoy impressive light and music shows (Source: EPA/VNA)
SEA Games 29 wraps up in Malaysia ảnh 3 The ceremony honours 20,000 volunteers, who have made great contribution to the Games. (Source: VNA)
SEA Games 29 wraps up in Malaysia ảnh 4Malaysian fans (Source: VNA)
SEA Games 29 wraps up in Malaysia ảnh 5Artists perform at the cerenomy (Source: AFP/VNA)
SEA Games 29 wraps up in Malaysia ảnh 6The Vietnamese delegation at the ceremony (Source: VNA)
SEA Games 29 wraps up in Malaysia ảnh 7An overall view of the cerenomy (Source: EPA/VNA)
SEA Games 29 wraps up in Malaysia ảnh 8At the ceremony (Source: EPF/VNA)
SEA Games 29 wraps up in Malaysia ảnh 9Malaysia hands over the flag to the Philippines - the next host of SEA Games. (Source: VNA)

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