SEA Games 31: Men’s beach handball kicks off in Quang Ninh

The men’s beach handball at SEA Games 31 began in Ha Long city of the north-eastern province of Quang Ninh on May 6.
SEA Games 31: Men’s beach handball kicks off in Quang Ninh ảnh 1The match between Vietnam and Singapore. (Photo: VNA)
Quang Ninh (VNA) - The men’s beach handball at SEA Games 31 began in Ha Long city of the north-eastern province of Quang Ninh on May 6.

Hosts Vietnam, who are also the defending champions, won 18-8 and 17-7 over Singapore to secure a 2-0 win. La Van Lon of Vietnam was the game’s top scorer.

Also on the day, the Philippines defeated Thailand in the regular set.

Vietnam will play the Philippines on May 7.

Four teams competing in the men’s beach handball are playing in a round-robin format to decide the eventual rankings.

SEA Games 31, themed “For a Stronger South East Asia”, will be held in the capital and 11 neighbouring provinces and cities from May 12 to 23.

Featuring 40 sports with 526 events, it is expected to attract around 10,000 participants. The biennial event was initially slated for late 2021 but delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic./.

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