SEA Games 31 - Vietnam leaves unforgettable impression

At its second hosting of Southeast Asia’s largest sporting event, Vietnam again left an unforgettable impression in the hearts of foreign athletes, coaches, and media in its preparation and the enthusiasm of its fans.

The meaning behind SEA Games 31’s slogan of “For a stronger Southeast Asia” was greatly appreciated by international media.

The opening ceremony on May 12 at the My Dinh National Stadium in Hanoi left the strongest impression.

Thailand’ Siamsport newspaper posted an article headlined “Vietnam opens SEA Games impressively”, with more than 10,000 delegates and people present to watch the opening ceremony.

Many Thai newspapers praised Vietnam’s preparations for the Games, saying that despite the complex developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, the country demonstrated responsibility in preparing thoughtfully, safely, and securely.

Malaysia’s Bernama Malaysia news agency, meanwhile, also hailed the impressive organisation of SEA Games 31. It said that when visiting Vietnam, sporting delegations and foreign tourists were welcomed as close friends of a big family.

Singapore’s The Strait Times published an article quoting Singaporean National Assembly Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin as saying that Vietnam organised a “high-level” SEA Games. Athletes and officials from Singapore all found a warm, welcoming environment.

According to SEA Games 31 organisers, there were about 500 foreign reporters at the event.

"Everything, from technology to equipment, is very modern and meets international standards and requirements," said Ruj Saeng-Udom, reporter with Thai Television.

With hospitality and sportsmanship, Vietnamese fans also presented a beautiful image to foreign athletes and fans.

"I was really surprised at how great the atmosphere was, which helped give more strength to the athletes," Kenji Sagaguchi, Japanese tourist said.

SEA Games 31 has come to an end but the host country inspired and spread solidarity and a strong sporting spirit among people in the region, in keeping with the theme “For a stronger Southeast Asia”./.