Seas-Islands Week enhances women’s role in environmental protection

Seas-Islands Week looks to enhance women’s role in environmental protection

A Seas and Islands Week will be held in June with many activities designed to enhance women’s engagement in environmental protection and promote gender equality in sea-related activities, in line with the theme of the World Oceans Day (June 8) this year.
Seas-Islands Week looks to enhance women’s role in environmental protection ảnh 1People join an event to clean up a beach in the central city of Da Nang (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – A Seas and Islands Week will be held in June with many activities designed to enhance women’s engagement in environmental protection and promote gender equality in sea-related activities, in line with the theme of the World Oceans Day (June 8) this year.

Director General of the Vietnam Administration of Seas and Islands (VASI) Ta Dinh Thi said the organisation of the week is aimed at popularising policies and laws on seas and islands and the United Nations’ messages on the theme Gender and the Ocean.

Events will be held to share experience and collect recommendations on how to better ensure the rights of women in coastal areas and enhance women’s role in schemes to cope with climate change and protect the marine environment.

During the event, the people are encouraged to contribute their ideas to the master plan and the five-year plan of the government to implement Resolution 36-NQ/TW on the strategy for the sustainable development of Vietnam’s marine economy until 2030 with a vision to 2045.

During the week, communications campaigns will also be held to educate the public about national sovereignty over seas and islands, and international documents and bilateral and multilateral agreements on seas and islands between Vietnam and other countries.

A ceremony to launch the Seas and Islands Week will be held in the southern coastal province of Bac Lieu on June 1.-VNA


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