Seminar discusses Vietnam-France economic ties

A seminar on economic relations between Vietnam and France and the latter’s investment projects in the former has been recently held in the southern French city of Montpellier in both online and in-person formats.
Seminar discusses Vietnam-France economic ties ảnh 1An overview of the seminar (Photo: VNA)
Paris (VNA) – A seminar on economic relations between Vietnam and France and the latter’s investment projects in the former has been recently held in the southern French city of Montpellier in both online and in-person formats.

Speaking at the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang said that in the past nearly five decades, the friendship and cooperation between the two countries has seen positive, diverse and substantive developments in the fields of politics, economics, culture and education.

France is currently Vietnam’s second biggest investor in the European Union (EU) with a total registered capital of over 3.6 billion USD, mainly in production and real estate.

However, it boasts advantages in telecommunications, renewable energy, the environment, biomedicine, manufacturing, infrastructure and logistics, which all conform to Vietnam’s foreign investment attraction orientations, Thang stated.

He expressed his belief that with Vietnam’s potential and strengths as well as its Government’s determination, the country’s collaboration with France in general and Montpellier in particular will see breakthroughs.

The diplomat committed to serving as a bridge connecting the two countries and their partners to boost cooperation for sustainable development.

Diane Belle, Vice President of the Young Economic Chamber of Montpellier, said French businesses are interested in the Vietnamese market because they see many opportunities for mutual development there.

She proposed the two sides find ways to overcome barriers such as cultural and social differences for better understanding, and not only focus on investment in production, but also pay attention to develop other sectors such as services or supporting industries./.

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