Seminar focuses on trade with Japanese province

A seminar to promote trade with Japan's Wakayama prefecture is scheduled to be held in Hanoi on March 12.
A seminar to promote trade with Japan's Wakayama prefecture is scheduled to be held in Hanoi on March 12.

At the workshop, which will be organised by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), representatives from five Japanese businesses operating in the fields of food, agricultural products, T-shaped screw and nut production and the manufacture of dry cleaning machines, will brief participants about their plans to do business in Vietnam.

The governor of Wakayama, which is famous for several industries, such as agriculture, steel industry and petrochemicals, will speak on the potential and development efforts of the prefecture at the event.

This will be a good opportunity for Vietnamese businesses to meet and exchange information, as well as seek partnership with Japanese enterprises.-VNA

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