The two countries signed two memoranda of understanding on August24, on the sidelines of Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah's two-day state visitto Singapore.
The MOUs were signed by Singaporean Minister for Trade and Industry Gan KimYong and Brunei's Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, Datuk Seri Setia DrAwang Haji Mohd Amin Liew Abdullah, who is also Minister of Finance and EconomyII.
Both ministers also agreed to establish a joint committeeled by MTI and the Brunei Ministry of Finance and Economy to oversee thedevelopments stated in the MOUs.
Gan said the signing of the two MOUs signals the mutualinterest between the two countries in moving towards a more sustainable andresilient future.
Singapore and Brunei will strengthen bilateral cooperationin areas such as emerging low-carbon technologies and carbon capture andstorage, with the aim of achieving both countries' climate ambitions.
They will also enhance cooperation and strengthen food andmedical supply resilience. This includes developing capacity and capability formutual support in times of crisis, such as by facilitating efficient movementof food and medical products between Singapore and Brunei.
Singapore's total trade with Brunei increased by 24% from2020 to 2.7 billion USD in 2021./.