Beijing (VNA) – Chinese President Xi Jinping and Singaporean PresidentHalimah Yacob met in Beijing, China, on May 14, discussing measures to promotebilateral ties.
At the meeting, Xi said that the two countries should maintain high-levelexchanges so as to provide strategic guidance for the development of thebilateral relations.
He called for the two countries to work together in the Belt and Road Initiative,enhance cooperation in the third markets, and achieve progress as soon aspossible.
They should firmly support economic globalisation and multilateralism, promotecollaboration among Asian countries, and take the Conference on Dialogue ofAsian Civilisation (CDAC) as an opportunity to build a better Asia together, Xistressed.
Halimah Yacob, who is in Beijing to attend the CDAC, said that Singapore standsready to consolidate economic, trade, cultural, and people-to-people exchangeswith China as well as uphold the rule-based multilateral trading system.
The CDAC opened in Bejing on May 15 under the theme of “exchanges and mutuallearning among Asian civilisation and a community with a shared future”. Morethan 2,000 government officials and representatives from 47 countries and territoriesacross the world are expected to attend the event.-VNA