Singapore confirms two more Zika cases

Singapore’s National Environment Agency (NEA) on June 9 announced that two local Zika - transmitted cases have been confirmed in Parry Avenue area.
Singapore confirms two more Zika cases ảnh 1Chemical spraying to stop the spread of Zika in Singapore (Photo: AFP/VNA)

Singapore (VNA) – Singapore’s National Environment Agency (NEA) on June 9 announced that two Zika transmitted cases have been confirmed in Parry Avenue area, bringing the total number of reported cases in the country to eight this year. 

Local authorities are taking measure to kill mosquito in the area to stop the spread of Zika virus, said NEA.

The agency also urged residents to maintain vigilance and continue to eliminate mosquito breeding habitats in summer, which is the season for mosquito-transmitted diseases. 

In 2016, Singapore recorded over 400 Zika-infected cases since the first case was reported in last August. 

First found in Africa, Zika virus has spread to Asia and Latin America, triggering the largest outbreak so far. As many as 73 countries and territories across the world reported people with the disease, with Latin America being the most affected area, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).   

Zika virus is mainly transmitted through the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, blood transmission and sexual intercourse, causing fever, sore eyes and a rash. Pregnant women infected with the virus might give birth to babies with microcephaly - a deformation that leads to abnormally small brains and heads.

Currently, there is no vaccine or specific medication for the virus.-VNA


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