Hanoi (VNA) - Singapore’s first nationalbrain bank has been launched with the aim of becoming a research repository forbrain and spinal cord tissues from donors.
Co-fundedby the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), the Lee Kong Chian School ofMedicine (LKCMedicine), the National Healthcare Group (NHG), and the NationalNeuroscience Institute (NNI), the Brain Bank Singapore is based at LKCMedicine.
LKCMedicine’sProf. Richard Reynolds will head the bank.
NHGGroup CEO Prof Philip Choo highlighted the timeliness of research intoneurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia, givenSingapore’s aging population. One in four here will turn 65 years old by 2030.
Thebrain bank aims to recruit about 1,000 brain donors over the next four years./.