Singapore orders Facebook to correct article

Authorities in Singapore have ordered Facebook to correct an article on a fringe news site containing "scurrilous accusations" of election rigging.
Singapore orders Facebook to correct article ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: Internet)

Hanoi (VNA) - Authorities in Singapore have ordered Facebook to correct an article on a fringe news site containing "scurrilous accusations" of election rigging.

The order comes under a law against misinformation that recently took effect in the island state.

On November 28, authorities ordered Alex Tan, who runs anti-government website the States Times Review, to put up a correction next to a November 23 post on elections.

But Tan, who is based overseas, refused, saying he is an Australian citizen and would not comply with requests from a "foreign government".

A body overseeing the law then said it had ordered Facebook to put up a "correction notice" by the article, which would link to a statement on the government's own fact-checking site.

Singapore used the law for the first time on November 25, ordering opposition party member Brad Bowyer to correct a Facebook post that could "smear the reputation" of two state investment funds.

The Singaporean government insists that the legislation is necessary to stop the spread of damaging falsehoods online./.


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