Taiwan (China) ranked second with nearly 407.1 million USD, accounting for 13.1%of the total, and 3.85 times higher than that in the same period last year. The Netherlands came third with nearly 369 million USD, equivalent to 11.9% of the total.
China led in the number of newinvestment projects in Vietnam, accounting for nearly 17.2%. Meanwhile, theRepublic of Korea (RoK) was the leader in terms of capitaladjustment (21.1%) and capital contributions and share purchases (30.5%).
Foreign businesses have investedin 39 provinces and cities nationwide in the reviewed period.
Bac Giang led the localities in FDI attraction with 824.3 million USD, making up 26.6% of the total, up 8.4 times over the sameperiod in 2022. Ho Chi Minh City ranked second with 103 new projects worth369.1 million USD, accounting for 11.9% of the total.
The ministry said the total newly-registered capital, adjustedcapital, and capital contribution and share purchase of foreign investors neared 3.1 billion USD, down38% year-on-year.
As of February 20, as many as 2.55billion USD of foreign investment capital had been disbursed, a decrease of 4.9% compared to the same period last year.
Foreign firms have poured capital into 17 out of Vietnam's 21 sectors, with the processing and manufacturing industry taking the lead withmore than 2.17 billion USD, making up 70.1% of the total. It is followed by realestate with 396.9 million USD, accounting for over 12.8%.
Expertssaid to attract greater FDI projects in the coming time, Vietnam needs to fundamentallyrenovate all activities, from investment promotion to building and perfecting institutions and policies on foreign investment in line with development trends, approachinginternational standards, harmonising with international commitments, and ensuring harmony, consistency, publicity, transparency and competitiveness./.