PM Chinh, his spouse, and a high-ranking delegationof Vietnam will pay an official visit to Singapore from February 8 to 10.
In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency,Associate Professor Vu Minh Khuong from the Lee Kuan Yew School of PublicPolicy said the visit holds great significance.
It takes place in the context of the two countries getting out of the COVID-19 pandemic with the hope for stronger growth, he explained,noting that their cooperation opportunities abound.
The world is experiencing complex changes, and this prompts the two countries to conduct more regular and in-depth exchanges to reachcommon perceptions in order to sail through the challenges and tighten theirrelations, the expert continued.
According to Khuong, cooperation between Vietnam andSingapore is the core and of great importance to turning Southeast Asia into astrong, prosperous economy in the next three decades.

Regarding cooperation prospects between the twocountries in digital transformation and green transition, Khuong emphasisedthat the sectors have served as important drivers of international cooperationas well as the development in each nation.
Vietnam will be an important partner of Singapore inthese fields as the country boasts substantial potential for the cooperation atdifferent levels, he said, adding PM Chinh’s visit will serve as a start of a level where the two sides exchange experience and strategies on green economyand digital economy.
Vietnam and Singapore hold huge and specialcooperation potential as they share common strategic perceptions, politicalstability and aspirations to become development models in Asia, he stressed.
He held that Vietnam can learn from Singapore’sexperience in public apparatus consolidation, State-owned business managementand urban transport development./.