Singapore navy prevents pirate attack

The Singapore Navy in collaboration with the Indonesian and Malaysian authorities disrupted a sea robbery on the Singapore Strait tugboat on September 1.
Singapore navy prevents pirate attack ảnh 1The Permata 1 safely escorted to Singaporean waters by the RSS Resilience (Source: Singaporean Defence Ministry)

The Singapore Navy in collaboration with the Indonesian and Malaysian authorities disrupted a sea robbery on the Singapore Strait tugboat on September 1.

According to a statement released by the Singaporean Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) on September 2, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore's Port Operations Control Centre (MPA) received a report from the Malaysian-flagged tugboat Permata 1 at about 9 am.

Those on board had spotted burglars boarding their barge as they were transiting the eastern approaches of the Singapore Strait, MINDEF added.

The country’s Maritime Security Task Force (MSTF) immediately deployed its Fearless-class patrol vessel RSS Resilience to the area. Upon seeing the warship, the robbers fled towards Indonesian waters.

The Information Fusion Centre (IFC) then shared information on the incident and its suspects with the Indonesian Navy as well as the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency.

Through the description shared by IFC, the Indonesian Navy successfully apprehended the three robbers and recovered the stolen cargo.

The Permata 1 was then safely escorted to Singaporean waters by the RSS Resilience.-VNA


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